Personal Development

Strengthening Self Identity To Become A Better You

Strengthening Self Identity To Become A Better You

If I were to ask you to explain to me who you are, what would you tell me? What traits do you identify with? What are your beliefs and desires? Are you living in alignment with what you are and how close are you to being your best self?

These can be some pretty difficult questions, especially if you’ve never given it much thought in the past. If you truly want to start being your best self and living your best life, you need to strengthen your self identity.

  • Being
  • Deserving
  • Doing

These three elements are where it starts. Let’s line them up and bridge the gap.

Strengthening Self Identity To Become A Better You


Identifying your being starts with the traits you identify with. These can be how you look, how you sound, and even how smile. This can also be how you behave, how your perceive people and the world around you. What traits do people notice in you? What traits do you notice in yourself? Make a list of all of those traits that people see in you and then make a list of the traits you see in yourself. Compare those lists to each other and see how they line up. 

Even though we’re focusing on self identity, its still pretty important to see how people view you. Seeing internal and external points of view can help you see things about yourself that you couldn’t see otherwise. This type of feedback can help you refine your character and improve your social life.

Take a look at all of the traits listed and choose which traits you find desirable about yourself. Those desirable traits are going to go on a separate list and that list is going to play a major role in solidifying your being. As for the traits you don’t want, acknowledge them, but don’t focus on them. Focusing on what you want and what you like is a much more powerful position to work from.

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What do you truly feel you deserve? Do you deserve to be wealthy? Do you deserve to be loved? Do you deserve to be respected and admired? Say what you feel you deserve, whatever it is! Now the next question is, “why do you deserve it?” Go back to your list of traits if you have to. 

Understand that in order to deserve something, you have to do, be, or have something that indicates that you do deserve it. If your traits don’t line up with what you feel you deserve, you’ve got some work to do. Become what you need to be to get what you deserve. Do the things you need to do to get what you feel you deserve.


Personal development happens from the inside out. This is why we start with acknowledging our being and our desires, then these things manifest in our doing. A great deal of us are living day to day with our being, deserving, and doing, completely out of alignment. As a result we end up with anxiety and depression. We end up with a head full of conflict.

After you’ve sorted out your being and what you deserve and or desire, you can now look at your habits. If you desire to be wealthy and you know you’re capable of achieving the wealth you want, have you been doing what you need to do to make it happen? If you have traits of brilliance and beauty, is that coming out in your behavior as confidence?

Ask yourself the tough questions and hold yourself accountable. Be deliberate with the moves you make. If you’re not sure what you should do in a given situation, remember your traits and what you know you deserve.


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Personal Development

How You Know You’ve Learned

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Ask yourself, how do you know if you’ve learned? This simple question can be surprisingly difficult for most people. I know because I’ve asked quite a bit of people this question. The reason this question can be so tough to answer is because most of us never really took the time to qualify what actual learning is. Having said all that, let’s take the time to figure out how you know you’ve learned. Here’s the breakdown.

  • Remembering VS Learning
  • Mental Masturbation
  • The Result Of True Learning
How You Know You've Learned


Typically when we think of learning, we are reminded of institutionalized education. You take a class, you’re given study materials from text books and class notes. You memorize those study materials for a test that you’re given later on down the line where you’ll then have to regurgitate various answers from those study materials. Simple enough right? Sure, but in my view, this is not an example of learning, it is more of example of memorizing. Let me explain.

Memorizing is a small part that potentially leads to learning, but I can’t consider this to be learning in and of itself. Let’s stick with this example. Ask yourself and really think, “Do I still remember all or at least most of the information from all the tests I did really well on in the past?” If the answer is no and you’ve forgotten most of that stuff, that means you didn’t truly learn those lessons. What you did do was learn to remember the right answers.

The truth is we never really forget what we’ve learned. A good example of this is bike riding. Once you’ve learned how to ride a bike, you never forget, even if you haven’t been on a bike in years. You might be a little awkward on it at first, but that only lasts for a few minutes or so.


Let’s talk about a little thing I like to call mental masturbation! Sounds like an interesting topic and it truly is. Its something that we do quite often and we can even learn from it. In short, mental masturbation is when you play with yourself… in your head. We bring thoughts into our minds and stimulate ourselves with them in our idol time. We often get these thoughts from things like tv shows, magazines, social media, the news, and events like concerts. Basically its all just information that’s very stimulating, but most of it you’ll never actually use. 

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. After all, entertainment is one of the great spices of life, but using too much can spoil your intellectual appetite. So how does this relate to the subject then? So far I’ve clarified the distinction between learning and memorizing and now I want clarify the difference between mental masturbation and learning. We often loosely associate this form of entertainment with learning. For example, you may look at some brief 2 minute video of someone cooking a recipe and at the end you think, “Oh ok cool I learned a new recipe!” Sorry to burst your bubble, but You ain’t learn jack. 

So how can I have the audacity to tell you that you haven’t learned?

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All true learning has one very important thing in common. That one thing is behavioral change. That’s right! All true learning leads to a behavioral change. True learning is the basis for true growth as a person. This is how you add new habits and replace bad habits with better habits. True learning is what adds extra tools and skills to your figurative toolbox. Before you go and make the statement that you’ve learned, ask yourself, “How has this, or how will this change my behavior?”

One last quote I’ll leave you with is this. “Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Make it permanent”


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Personal Development

The Key To Self Reliance Internalized vs Externalized Accountability


Self reliance is one of the most powerful attributes we can develop as people. With it we are able to achieve anything we commit to. Its a big part of what allows us to commit in the first place. In regards to self reliance, one of the biggest struggles people have is being able to keep themselves accountable. If you identify with this struggle, then this is for you. Here I’m going to explain the following.

  • Externalized Accountability
  • Internalized Accountability
  • Improving Self Reliance
The Key To Self Reliance Internalized vs Externalized Accountability


This is also what I like to call “institutionalized accountability”. Basically this is anyone besides yourself who is holding you accountable. It started when you were young with your parents setting and enforcing rules. As soon as you were old enough to go to school, they came in your room and whipped the covers right off of you, “let’s go! Get up! Time to go!” Well at least something along those lines. Your teachers took over once you got school, gave you homework, study materials, and tests. Even as an adult you’re held accountable by employers. They expect you to be to work at a given time and they expect you to produce a certain quality of work. 

You see the thing about externalized accountability is that someone is setting the standard for you and you have to operate at or above that standard, or face the consequences. This is a great way to learn accountability from a young age. The one major flaw is that in our society typically, externalized accountability becomes the most prominent form of accountability in our lives. This is to the point where we barely ever learn  internalized accountability.


This is where your real power is! You become truly unstoppable when internalized accountability becomes your most dominant form of accountability. Internalized accountability is when you hold yourself accountable and set your own standards. If you have major personal goals like lofty fitness goals, entrepreneurship goals, and personal development goals, you need to develop internalized accountability. It will be extremely difficult for you to reach those personal goals if you externalize your accountability because ask yourself, what happens when no one is pushing you? What happens when no one is watching you? When no one else is holding your feet to the fire and you’re not holding your own feet to the fire, you will slack off. You will quit. Having got all that out on the table, let’s talk about how to win.

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Cultivating real internalized accountability starts with setting the standard for yourself and then keeping a reminder in your face of the standard you set. Obviously its much easier said than done, but the key here is setting a step by step process and being 100% honest with yourself. It starts with a few questions.

“Who do you want to be from this day forward?” (Right down your values)

“Why do you want to achieve the goals you’ve set?” (It better be a really strong reason)

“What 3 changes will you commit to this week?” (These changes absolutely must be made)

 Right down your answers to all of these questions and keep them in multiple places where you can easily see them EVERYDAY. This written form serves as your daily reminder and also serves as a hybrid form of accountability. It serves as both internal and external accountability. Over time as you are reminded each day and you develop the habit of acting in alignment with what you’ve written, you will see massive success as a result. 

In closing, I charge you with the responsibility of acting on this information that I’ve just given you. GO GET IT!

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Personal Development

7 Ways To Cut Negativity Out Of Your Life

7 Ways To Cut Negativity Out Of Your Life

7 Ways To Cut Negativity Out Of Your Life

Let’s talk about 7 ways to cut negativity out of your life. Negativity is successes worse enemy. It has the ability to destroy virtually anything positive and prosperous. The truth is that negativity is only as dangerous as you allow it to be. Us as individuals have the ability to completely control and cut out negativity with just a decision and a few simple habits.

Let me put a little disclaimer here and let you know that the only way to effectively remove negativity from your life, is to change yourself, not anyone else. Make the internal changes and the rest will fall into  place.

1. Change Your Environment

If  you’ve been getting overrun with negativity, chances are you’ve been marinating in it, literally, and environmentally. Remove yourself from toxic social circles, or any place where you can see, hear, and or feel negativity. Find a peaceful, quiet place where you can focus on cultivating a positive mindset.

2. Keep Your Living Space Clean

Have you ever given your place a complete overhaul? I mean a thorough cleaning top to bottom, dusting, organizing,etc. How did it make you feel? Personally, it brought me great joy and clarity. I felt like I could breathe and get my life together. If you’re bogged down by negativity and need to feel that mental freedom and clarity, start picking up after yourself and get to cleaning. Let your living space reflect how you want to feel.

3. Start Working Out Daily

Endorphins are a type of hormone that causes a state of euphoria throughout the body. Things like sex and exercise are two of the main activities that can cause an endorphin rush. I recommend exercise here because unfortunately, not everyone has such a booming sex life.

A big part of shedding negativity is physical self transformation. People tend to have weight and body image issues which lead to low self esteem, and ultimately negativity. If you’re not happy with yourself, you may project those negative feelings onto other people, judging and criticizing them. Getting in shape gives us a sense of achievement, making us feel competent, resulting in positive self perception.

stress relief

4. Avoid Negative Media

Everything we expose ourselves to will always effect our state in some way shape or form. Many of us have a tendency to gravitate toward drama, and violence in the form of entertainment. This constant stream of negativity shows up in our behavior. It effects our mood, our ability to learn, and our productivity.

Watch enough war movies and you might start to develop a fetish for guns, be desensitized to violence, or even develop aggressive behavior towards others. All the time we spend watching negative nonsense is opportunity we miss to engage in something positive like learning and working towards our goals to reach a sense of fulfillment.

Everything we partake in, comes down to making a choice between positive and negative influence.

5. Stop Participating In Negative Speech

We get easily sucked into a prolonged state of negativity due to the fact that words have more power than we realize. Hearing negative speech has the capability of reprogramming our thought processes over time. Whether its someone else’s speech or our own, it works just the same and needs the same level of vigilance. This means that you have to avoid entertaining the negative speech of others, and it also means, no negative speech from you either.

You can either give thanks for the good in your life, or you can complain constantly and be consumed by how bad you feel about what you don’t have. 

6. Speak Positive To Yourself, About Yourself

No one is going to take care of you better than you can take care of yourself, therefore we should treat every morning that we wake as an opportunity to empower ourselves. Speak love to yourself, look in the mirror and speak words of confidence to yourself. “Nothing has the right or ability to defeat me!” “I am powerful, unique, and filled with greatness!” “I am getting everything I want out of life!” Repeat words like this to yourself daily and habitually without fail and watch your life change.

7. Listen To Positive Audio Everyday

Speaking positive to ourselves is powerful without question. Now couple that with the power and encouragement from others and you have the ability to completely erase and repel any negativity. To provide that external voice of power, very successful life coaches and motivational speakers have created audio books and things of that nature. In a world where negativity is so easily thrust onto us, empowering speech is mandatory for all of us, no exceptions. Even the most successful people on the planet abide by this rule and invest in positive audio. From personal experience I can tell you that applying this ritual everyday, is life changing. 

Apply these methods and incorporate them into your daily life, and watch your life change drastically. 

Drop a comment below and let me know which ones of these you see helping you. 

Personal Development

Separating Abundance And Greed

Separating Abundance And Greed

Life is for those who desire! Passion will make every deep breath feel like the first breath you ever took, but for some of us, we have no idea what that could possibly feel like, that or they’ve forgotten…damn. So what’s getting in the way of that feeling? For some of us, wanting more is the same as being greedy. Some of us tell ourselves that we should be happy with what we have and unfortunately that’s where the story ends. I don’t accept that and neither should you, so let’s talk about separating abundance and greed.

Are You Really Being Greedy?

Greed is driven by desire yes, but its also driven by a level of narcissism that ultimately plagues the lives of anyone in an effective range. Even a beautiful vision can become a cancer. A greedy man could have the vision of growing and incredible garden, larger than anyone has ever seen in our lifetime. This garden would grow with petals, leaves, and seeds painted with all the colors of the entire universe. It would be such a marvel to the point that it would inspire people of all lands to travel to this garden simply to bare witness to it.

Sounds like a beautiful vision to have, but this greedy man would create nightmares in order to fulfill his vision. He would cause massive drought in the land of the disenfranchised in order to feed his garden. He would horde supplies and starve others with less leverage than him to feed his garden. If he could, he would move the sun away from others if it meant growing his garden faster.

This may be an extreme example of greed, but still practical enough for you to get the idea. 

The Abundant Mind

If only we had a better understanding of abundance, we would then understand that true abundance starts in the mind. True wealth and happiness stems from certain behavior and that behavior is an outward manifestation of an abundant mindset.

I’ve had the privilege of meeting people who understand and adopt this mindset and I’ve realized that they are able to achieve their dreams without impeding others. If that greedy man had an abundant mindset, he would be able to fulfill his vision of that beautiful garden and he’d be able to do it through the unity and prosperity of others, rather than to their detriment. 

You see, the abundant minded person operates with the belief that they have everything they need in order to get what they want. This is why an abundant minded person has no need for greed, or any other unethical behavior. 

Abundance VS Greed

Greed stems from the fear of lack combined with ones own love of their own flesh. This is a weakness to do your best to avoid being sucked into, but the answer is not to be overly humble to the point where you feel guilty for having desire. The only real protection from developing greed is to develop a mindset of abundance. Breathe deep and dream big, life is for those who desire.

Personal Development

Creat Life Change With Pen And Paper

Creat Life Change With Pen And Paper

What I want to talk about right now is a simple method to attract what you want with pen and paper. In a nutshell, the method is to create and write out what I call a desire statement.

Writing a desire statement is a strange thing because it works in miraculous ways, but you can’t really explain why. There’s no scientific or mathematical proof of how it works, but the world’s most successful people can testify with unshakable conviction that it works.

Many people say it works through the law of attraction. Many people say it works through the law of vibration. These are just mere concepts that we have developed over time to help understand how our world operates, but make no mistake that the energy you adopt is real. As far as energy goes, I want to talk to you about the energy, the influence of writing your desire statement.

Talking To Myself Like A Crazy Person Is How It Started

Before I dive in, I want to tell you a bit about how I first experienced the law of attraction and the law of vibration. Ever since I was a child I would talk to myself out loud, kinda like what some people would call a crazy person.

I would ask myself questions and even had answers! These were full blown conversations with myself to the point where if you did hear me, you’d think I was on the phone or something.

I would always try to find a quiet Isolated place, usually walking a long distance. I noticed that the type of energy of the conversation would dictate what would happen next. If I had a whole lot of negative stuff to say, I would attract bad energy, bad things would happen, and I would make bad choices.

If the conversation was positive and I felt good and spoke with confidence, excitement, and determination, my life would improve drastically! I mean drastically! I’d work harder, I’d be more open minded, I’d enjoy everything so much more, it was unbelievable!

Now most of my life I did this without the intention of manifestation, or attraction. It was more of a subconscious thing that made me behave like that, but as I learned about internal energy, wealth manifestation, law of attraction and vibration, I understood it more. I still talk to myself like a crazy person, but I do it with clear intention now.

What Does This Have To Do With A Desire Statement?

It has everything to do with it! Just like speaking, writing works the same way, but it has more power in its own way. To me its almost like writing and solidifying an agreement with yourself and the universe. Its on paper as documented proof to the world that this is your desire! You believe in it, you declare it, and you live it. 

Hang it on your wall, by your work desk, or even over your bed. Take time to read it everyday and internalize that agreement, then go out and live in alignment to that agreement.

Here's An Example Of A Desire Statement

*Please note that it is important to write your desire statement in your own words. It has to come from the heart.

“I’m in the process of attracting all that I need to know, do, and have in order to attract my ideal body and lifestyle.

I love knowing that my ideal body and lifestyle allows me the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest capacity and create the influence to help others to do the same.

Abundance is a feeling I love and I love to feel that abundance all around me.

I love the feeling of being comfortable in my own skin and knowing true self love.

I’m so excited at the thought of looking in the mirror and seeing how much my body has changed.

I love knowing that my own personal growth brings me the opportunity to give and help others in need.

I love knowing that I have complete control over how I look and feel. Knowing that fills me with unbelievable joy.

I love the thought of creating the best version of my self. I love knowing that my family will be proud and inspired by the changes I’ve made.

The law of attraction is unfolding and working to bring me everything I desire.”

As always, I appreciate you and thanks for reading


Personal Development

The Rules Of Verbal Attraction

The Rules Of Verbal Attraction

The Rules Of Verbal Attraction

Verbally attract what you want into your life. How? Speak and command your mind to generate behavior that allows you to vibrate at the frequency you need to attract what you desire. If you can open your mind up enough to believe it, you can take action to achieve it.

I’m gonna share a little bit of my story about how I came across this method and dive a bit deeper into how this works, so keep reading.

I Kept My Own Company For A Really Long Time

From the age of 5 or maybe even 6 I spoke to myself, not in my head, but out loud. Honestly they were back and forth conversations, the type of behavior that would be exhibited in a mental institution. I don’t believe I did this from some kind of psychosis or anything, it was just a coping mechanism that allowed me to sort out my thoughts, express myself, and help me understand my environment.

I’d find a quiet isolated place and ramble away. I wasn’t very good at socializing with other people, and didn’t get halfway decent at it until I was around 15 or 16 years old. Even after I developed a social life, I still socialized more to myself. It wasn’t until now in my late 20’s that I started using this form of communication to manifest and attract what I wanted.

How I Figured It Out

Honestly, I just started paying more attention to the type of speech I was giving myself. I started noticing how certain conversations made me feel. Positive confident speech brought life changing experiences. When I spoke words of power to myself, they had influenced my behavior drastically and even seemed to influence the world around me. Fortune came to me in the most random, but perfect ways.

The negative speech also worked the same way, tearing down whatever the positive speech had brought to me. It almost seemed as if the negativity speech was twice as dangerous. I’d fall in the clutches of negative speech whenever pissed off, or disappointed at how unfair the world would seem to be and because of that, my energy would drop. I’d lose my influence over people. I felt distant from everyone and often hopeless. The longer the negative speech went on, the worse my life got. It even effected my income.

In desperate times I knew I had to make a change, a BIG change. Fast forward to today, I am now the master of my life due to the words I speak to myself. I walk amongst nature, speaking plans and strategies to myself of how I can improve and achieve the next success. I’d repeat affirmations of confidence and abundance  to myself reinforcing the belief that my dreams are not fantasies, they are visions.

Speak To Your Subconscious Mind To Reprogram Your Behavior

When you speak like this out loud to yourself, you don’t just speak to the ears of your conscious mind, but you also speak to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is way more powerful than you realize, because it holds the codes to your autonomous behavior.

You ever get so used to doing something and never realize why you do it, or that you even do it at all? Most of our negative behaviors and limiting beliefs stem from your subconscious mind. Imagine if you can fix all of the problems in your life by directly reprogramming the subconscious mind? This is what I’ve discovered from personal experience.

Tell Yourself & The Universe What You Are In The Process Of Achieving

We’re so used to talking about what we want, but the universe only recognizes actions! Break out of the habit of talking about what you want and what you wish you had and start manifesting action!

Say what you’re in the process of doing and then do it! Tell yourself about the joy you feel from knowing what you’re in the process of getting. Verbally acknowledge how beautiful and brilliant you are and how fortunate you are to be just so!

It doesn’t have to make sense to your conscious mind! 

Let go of your ego and speak love to yourself. Say it as many times as you need to until you feel it. Act from those words. Live in alignment with those words, that power!

Personal Development

5 Steps Of Personal Development

5 steps of personal development

Over 10+ years as a coach I’ve come to realize that almost every client I’ve worked is missing one of the most important aspects of success, and that is personal development. Of the many subjects we study in school, it truly breaks my heart that personal development is not one of them. Just in case you’re not aware, personal development is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to realise and maximise their potential. Here, I’m going to share with you the 5 steps of personal development.

1. Develop Self Awareness

We are all self aware to a degree, but true self awareness is the beginning of self discipline and true self fulfillment. Self awareness is also a major key to getting rid of bad habits. Read my article on that here. To achieve self awareness you have to practice identifying and observing your behaviors and beliefs. From there you’ll have the ability to choose what you want to keep and what you want to let go.

2. Establish Your Identity

Do you really know yourself? Have you really taken the time for self reflection so you can truly identify who and what you truly are, and who and what you want to be? If you have done this, how often do you take the time do it? The only way we get answers is when we ask questions. 

Think about your beliefs, behaviors, desires, and struggles. All of these things paint a picture of who you are. Once you understand you are, you can decide who you want to be. If you don’t like something change it and what ever you like you keep and you build on. We are really malleable in that way.

3. Set Goals & Life Aspirations

It brings us a step closer to fulfillment every time we achieve a goal. We love to win because its empowering. Ever victory proves our competence thus helping us to improve and solidify our self esteem. 

Setting goals and life aspirations is pretty intense requires self awareness and knowledge of self. Once you have these to things you can accurately choose the direction you want head in. In another article I’ve outlined the 5 step process to successful goal setting.

4. Develop Strengths & Talents

You can’t create the life you truly want without the skills and tools you need to achieve your goals. You also won’t know what skills you need to develop unless you’ve gone through the first 3 steps. Take a look at your goals and the strengths you have so far and work out a game plan.

Some of us are really charismatic and can get people to help you achieve your vision. Some of us are not charismatic at all, but very crafty and resourceful. There’s always something to make up for what you don’t have and there’s always a way to develop what you do and even don’t have.

Take time to look in your toolbox.

5. Identify & Improve Potential

Identify and improving potential requires the ability to see value. Every extremely successful person has developed the ability to see value. Its like the phrase “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Look at everything in front of you and really try to see the value in it all. In another article I explain 2 keys to train your mind to see value.

As always, thank you for reading and be well.


Personal Development

3 Steps To Create Life Change With The Values Vs Beliefs List

3 Steps To Create Life Change With The Values Vs Beliefs List

One of the biggest problems that we face in life is getting our behavior in check. Even though there are things that we really want in life, our behavior takes us in a completely different direction. A typical example of this is wanting to get in shape, but continuing to eat unhealthy and skipping workouts. In order to start fixing this behavior is to understand the important of values and beliefs as well as what’s driving your behavior. Let’s start with 3 steps to create life change with the values vs beliefs list.

What Values Are Exactly

Your values are a large part of what defines you as a person. They are your principles, your code, your essence. Some common values that people have are family, loyalty, trust, happiness, compassion, integrity, success, freedom, strength, health, and things of that nature. 

Ideally what we want to do is set goals in accordance to these values and that should manifests as our lifestyle. For example if some values of yours is compassion and integrity, you might decide to live a vegan lifestyle where you make the commitment to not indulge in animal exploitation.

What Beliefs Are Exactly

Your beliefs can either make or break you in everything you do. Beliefs are powerful things that can become submerged deep into your subconscious mind and make you behave in ways that often make you feel like you have no control over what you do or how you feel. This is often the root cause of a person’s failures and even sense of helplessness.

On the other hand your beliefs can empower you in unimaginable ways where your power seems completely limitless. Mastering your beliefs is seriously one of the most important things you can ever do in your life.

The Goal Behind "Values vs Beliefs List"

This list is all about identifying the differences between your values and beliefs and getting them to line up and work in harmony with each other. 

3 Steps To Create Life Change With The Values Vs Beliefs List


  • Take some time to write down a list of your highest held core values.


  • Take some time to write down a list of your beliefs in relation to the values you’ve listed.


  • Decide what beliefs you want keep and which ones you want to change and once you do that, start working on changing the ones you want to change, one by one.

You’d be surprised at what you’d learn about yourself. Get started today and see what you come up with.
